19. Άρδασα - Ardasa


Ardassa (Tr: Torul) was in the district of Chaldia in Pontus and was located 15-20 km north-west of Gümüşhane (Argyroupolis). Ardassa/Torul was both a town and the name of a district. In 1857, the acting British consul at Trabzon, reported that in the 2,300 houses in Torul, 72% were occupied by Greeks, 20% occupied by crypto-Christians and 9% by Muslims.

List of the Greek villages of Άρδασα - Ardasa

Άρδασα - Ardasa
Άδισα - Adisa
Αυλίανα - Avliana
Βαρατόν - Varaton
Βαρτάντων - Vartanton
Γαρατζάντων - Garatzanton
Διπόταμος - Dipotamos
Καγκελίνα - Kangelina
Καρέλ - Karel
Κορκοτάς - Korkotas
Κωδωνά - Kodona
Λαμπαδίων - Lampadion
Μαρτίν - Martin
Μαυρενά - Mavrena
Μεσοχώρ' - Mesohor
Μούρτζανι - Mourtzani
Παλαιχώρ - Palehor
Παχτσόπον - Pakhtsopon
Πιβερά - Pivera
Ράκ' (Ριάκι) - Rak (Riaki)
Σαρπίσκα - Sarpiska
Τσακ - Tsak
Τσαρούχονος - Tsaroukhonos
Τσιμπρικά - Tsimprika
Τσίτη Μεγάλη (Το τρανόν η Τσίτε) - Tsiti Megali (To tranon i Tsite)
Τσίτη Μικρή (Το μικρόν η Τσίτε) - Tsiti Mikri (To micron i Tsite)
Χαβίανα - Haviana

This list of the Greek villages of Pontus (or villages where Greeks resided) was compiled by the Center of Asia Minor Studies (Κέντρο Μικρασιατικών Σπουδών) which is based in Greece. The list may exclude some villages which weren't known at the time the study was completed. Source: The History of Pontian Hellenism, Christos Samouilidis, Thessaloniki 1992.

For more about Ardassa click here

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